You know where your line is, try not to cross it.

You know where your line is, try not to cross it.

#Tools Get in the kNOw. ← Sobering Up Takes A Long Time. R U in the kNOw? Halloween → The bottom line is how alcohol affects you. If drinking is causing problems in your life, then you may have a drinking problem. Visit for tips to become a...
Sobering Up Takes A Long Time.

Sobering Up Takes A Long Time.

#Tools Get in the kNOw. Count on at least one hour, preferably more, without alcohol before you get behind the wheel. If you have consumed more than three drinks, add at least another 30 minutes for each drink. Visit for tips to become a healthier and...
The Benefits of Drinking Less

The Benefits of Drinking Less

#Tools Get in the kNOw. BETTER SLEEP, MORE ENERGY Alcohol doesn’t make you sleep better, it actually disrupts your sleeping pattern and you get a worse quality sleep. By decreasing your consumption, you will begin to feel the positive effects. SAVE MONEY People often...